Thursday, January 21, 2016

Choices, Changes and Chicken Stir Fry

Welcome to the Max Phase!! I hope everyone is coming into this new phase extremely happy with your results so far. 

Over the past week and a half I have come to realize how powerful we all are when it comes to will power and choice. Last week, one of my favorite people and a key member of my support network at work resigned her position. This was a choice that I knew was right for her, and no logical person could blame her for. However, as a result I have been tasked with taking on the planning of one of our largest events. I will tell you while stress has permeated every aspect of this position over the past 8 months, this is the first time I have felt like I am drowning. 

I tell you this because a month ago I would have called up a friend, gone out to a bar, ordered crap food or grabbed a bottle of wine on the way home and finished it while binge watching whatever show I was zoning out to that week. Instead I have forced myself to sit in this stress, work through it, and find alternate tools to address my emotions. 

This has primarily been hitting the gym an hour or more a night. Addictive personalities work for good habits too it seems. 

It is hard to soberly and cleanly stumble through these stressful situations, but I will say that I feel so much better about them. It is easy to negatively cope, but  often times that leads us to dig a deeper and deeper hole that by the time we realize what we are doing we are so far down that it seems near impossible to get out. This cleanse has forced me to realize that instead of falling deeper and deeper I have the option to face issues head on, push harder, climb higher and go all in. 

No matter why you are doing this challenge, I want to encourage you to take the time to recognize all the little  unexpected things that you find along the way, because while I started this challenge in part to look great in a bridesmaids dress I've learned that it is unbelievably rewarding to be wholly present in every moment, the good and the bad. 

Especially the moment this weekend when I found out I get to be an aunt and godmother again to a little tiny peanut who will be loved with the same passion no matter if it is a girl or a boy (... #teamgirl). 

Can't wait to meet her (... or him) August 2016.

Max Phase - Down 5.6 pounds and 4.5 inches

Chicken Stir Fry 
Inspired by Cooking Classy 

2 Chicken Breasts
2 Eggs 2 Cups of Brown Rice 
1/2 Cup Frozen Peas
1/2 Cup Frozen Corn 
1/2 Cup Sweet Onion, chopped
1/2 Cup Red Pepper, chopped
1/2 Cup Zucchini, chopped
2 Cloves Garlic 

1. Cube chicken breasts and cook until browned. Then set aside to cool. I used my fancy new dutch oven, but any large pan will work just fine.

2. Chop vegetables and throw into pan, season and heat thoroughly. Because the pan is already hot be careful not to burn the veggies. I put a quarter of a cup of water in with my vegetables to keep them from sticking or burning. 

3. Scramble and cook eggs in an alternate pan. Chop scrambled eggs and set aside. 
4. Once rice is complete combine rice, chicken and scrambled eggs into the pan with vegetables. 

5. Stir until thoroughly combined, sprinkle with some red pepper flakes and chow down on this delicious bit of asian clean cuisine. 

P.S. Be on the look out for another post this week ! 

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