Monday, March 2, 2015

Mission Vacation: Burnout Ain't Yo Friend

For those of you who know me, and as the title of this blog implies, I love to be on the run. 
I love to be involved in events, causes, organizations that promote action. Here is the thing though, when you are doing a bunch of things, no matter how important, you get exhausted and need a break. 

This is so hard for me. 
The idea of sitting still, being calm, and present in the moment is really difficult. Often I stop when I feel completely overwhelmed and I crash, physically incapable of functioning anymore. Yes, I know this is horrible and not healthy, but it is how I have been functioning for it can't be so bad .... right? 


According to the American Psychological Association burnout can cause HORRIBLE THINGS

"...recent research has found that burnout--and the related concept of "vital exhaustion"--increases the risk for cardiovascular disease as much as such well-known risk factors as body mass index, smoking and lipid levels. Specifically, burnout increases people's likelihood of developing myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, stroke and sudden cardiac death. Studies also point to an increased likelihood of type II diabetes, male infertility, sleep disorders and musculoskeletal disorders among those with the extreme physical, mental and emotional fatigue."


Ok so, friends  how do we prevent these horrible things?!

My answer is: GET OUT OF THE CITY. 

Often I don't think we realize how fast paced Chicago really is compared to other places. Chicago residents drive, walk, and talk at a faster pace than their Midwest counterparts. We expect results and emails to come faster, we are on our phone and capitalizing on our time on the train, bus or in a cab. We do important things for good people, and we are hard workers. 

But people who work the hardest are not energizer bunnies, they need breaks too and sometimes must be forced to take them. This week I am headed to sunny St. Louis for Arch Madness. I cannot wait to catch up with friends, cheer on my Ramblers and of course indulge in some down home Missouri cookin'!

This is how I am avoiding burnout this month.

How are you staving off burnout?

Until next time...

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