Tuesday, February 2, 2016

TO THE FUTURE SOCIAL WORK GRADS ( Not a food post... sorry Advocare buds)

Dear Future Social Workers,

Last year I graduated with a Master of Social Work degree. I was an alright student, always getting relatively good grades and keeping my GPA slightly below a 4.0, but the truth is academia wasn't what I was in the program for. It turns out that I was there because I was driven, like many, to change the world.

I pushed every moment of everyday to create, innovative and develop every opportunity I could. Quickly I became the Vice President of our student organization and co-launched the most successful year of the organization's history. I drafted a constitution and pushed it through to ratification, and orchestrated two massive student events including the inaugural Social Change Summit. I was driven, I knew who I was, what I wanted and I felt limitless.

It was a bubble where as a student I had complete and total support. I was able to go to my mentor professors and say " HALP ME I'M LOST" or go just to trade reviews on the newest Chicago Restaurant Week find. In classes everyone was cognizant of not only how each person felt individually during a conversation, but how everyone else felt. Then you would process all of that, then process it more and talk about processing it and then talk about how you process it differently than other people. A lot of social work is processing all of the possibilities of how you and others feel then making an assessment. To be honest, that was not my cup of tea. It was all a little like this ...

The truth is that even if you struggle to embrace the processing and feelings and talking about how clients are " empty whiteboards waiting to be filled up" (this is a real statement that was made in a class and I thankfully did not throw up) you still take in all of these skills and they suddenly become an integral part of how you view the world. Specifically, how you begin to believe the world and people should interact. 

This super supportive environment is split into two groups - clinicians and everybody else. I am biased as part of the latter group, but I think the "everybody else" is where it's at. This group is a collection of individuals that understands how everything connects and how micro, mezzo and macro become one beautifully chaotic mess. These are the people that want to address  the mess on every single level because they are masochists who hate sleep. 

Here are the things that these go-getters and high achievers who are out to claim the prized title of "change agent" thrive on: the limitless possibility of tomorrow and that no change comes without intense trust and bravery. I cannot tell you how many times I went to the president of the student organization and said " Listen I have this ridiculously crazy idea that will result in little to no sleep, we may not have the resources for it and it will probably be really hard with little to no chance for real success, but I think we should do it."

 and her instant reaction was :

Then you know what happened? WE DID EXACTLY WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO!
(except the app .... #neverforget)

Why? Because we had people who had our backs no matter what. Who trusted us and knew that no matter the circumstances we were going to do something great and that we wouldn't stop until it was done. 

Then May 6, 2015 happened. Graduation Day. 

It was only a month after this day that I realized how much I relied on the bubble of the school of social work. How much I thrived on hours long conversations about current events, new research and social injustices. I thrived on the autonomy and ability to go all in knowing that even if I failed or made a mistake there were people there that had my back. I realized that while practicums taught me some pretty tough lessons about how the world worked, that I still thought " this can be different."

The truth is my dear future social workers, that outside of that bubble there is a real world and people in it who are not always (and sometimes never) concerned with your clients, your volunteers or you. They will not say something and then process it, or be vulnerable and admit they have messed up. They will say something awful and unethical and then just let it hang there, no processing and definitely none of this: 

I can handle that because there are sucky people everywhere, but the toughest struggle is that there are social workers out there who no matter how much they disagree with what is happening, no matter how many closed door conversations, rolled eyes and whispered "bullshits," when it is time to stand up or shut up the truth is you may be the only one standing. That is what boggles my mind because social worker means advocate and advocates stand up. Advocates don't go numb because they fear conflict. They don't duck rather than take a punch.

So future social work grads, when May comes and you are walking into the doorway of your new organization I hope it is great. I hope you are supported, loved and that everything you are promised during your interview is true. However, for those that are handed the subpar end of the nonprofit spectrum I ask you to stand up. When you do this know that while there may not be a single person in that conference room or office that stands with you that no person who looks away in the face of conflict and wrong doing has ever changed the world for the better.

If you don't take the punch when someone needs you to, you are not an advocate, you are not a change agent and based on the opinion of this "everybody else-er" you're not a true social worker. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Weekend Edition: Egg Salad

Happy weekend all ! Hope you are meal planning your Saturdays away !

This week is a bonus recipe because I slacked off last week and didn't post at all dun dun dun

Before going to the recipe let's talk dairy. Dairy on the cleanse phase is a no no, will Advocare police come and smack a piece of low fat cheese out of your hand? No... well probably not. However, it may not make the cleanse as impactful as you would love it to be in cheese is your cleanse buddy.

However, we have now entered the MAX PHASE! This phase allows for a little more dairy consumption but the name of the game now is MODERATION. That is why I love this egg salad recipe because while it does contain greek yogurt, it is such a small amount per serving that it doesn't throw you off track, it also doesn't leave you with the sour task of greek yogurt which is usually a huge turn off for me. Those of you who do no dairy all challenge, you are gods and I commend you.

Clean Eating Egg Salad
8 eggs, hardboiled
1/3 cup greek yogurt 
2 teaspoons honey mustard (I used organic honey mustard) 
Salt & Pepper 
1/4 cup red onion 
sprinkling of paprika 
Hot sauce if you like it spicy! 

This recipe is super quick and fantastically simple!

1. Hardboil eggs, peel, quarter eggs the roughly chop.        
2. Combine chopped eggs, greek yogurt, honey mustard, salt and pepper, and red onion. Then mix!
3. Sprinkle with paprika and hot sauce (optional) then serve with a side of veggies ! I made my egg salad into an open faced sandwich on 100% whole grain bread

This makes four servings and is a delicious, creamy and portable lunch! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Choices, Changes and Chicken Stir Fry

Welcome to the Max Phase!! I hope everyone is coming into this new phase extremely happy with your results so far. 

Over the past week and a half I have come to realize how powerful we all are when it comes to will power and choice. Last week, one of my favorite people and a key member of my support network at work resigned her position. This was a choice that I knew was right for her, and no logical person could blame her for. However, as a result I have been tasked with taking on the planning of one of our largest events. I will tell you while stress has permeated every aspect of this position over the past 8 months, this is the first time I have felt like I am drowning. 

I tell you this because a month ago I would have called up a friend, gone out to a bar, ordered crap food or grabbed a bottle of wine on the way home and finished it while binge watching whatever show I was zoning out to that week. Instead I have forced myself to sit in this stress, work through it, and find alternate tools to address my emotions. 

This has primarily been hitting the gym an hour or more a night. Addictive personalities work for good habits too it seems. 

It is hard to soberly and cleanly stumble through these stressful situations, but I will say that I feel so much better about them. It is easy to negatively cope, but  often times that leads us to dig a deeper and deeper hole that by the time we realize what we are doing we are so far down that it seems near impossible to get out. This cleanse has forced me to realize that instead of falling deeper and deeper I have the option to face issues head on, push harder, climb higher and go all in. 

No matter why you are doing this challenge, I want to encourage you to take the time to recognize all the little  unexpected things that you find along the way, because while I started this challenge in part to look great in a bridesmaids dress I've learned that it is unbelievably rewarding to be wholly present in every moment, the good and the bad. 

Especially the moment this weekend when I found out I get to be an aunt and godmother again to a little tiny peanut who will be loved with the same passion no matter if it is a girl or a boy (... #teamgirl). 

Can't wait to meet her (... or him) August 2016.

Max Phase - Down 5.6 pounds and 4.5 inches

Chicken Stir Fry 
Inspired by Cooking Classy 

2 Chicken Breasts
2 Eggs 2 Cups of Brown Rice 
1/2 Cup Frozen Peas
1/2 Cup Frozen Corn 
1/2 Cup Sweet Onion, chopped
1/2 Cup Red Pepper, chopped
1/2 Cup Zucchini, chopped
2 Cloves Garlic 

1. Cube chicken breasts and cook until browned. Then set aside to cool. I used my fancy new dutch oven, but any large pan will work just fine.

2. Chop vegetables and throw into pan, season and heat thoroughly. Because the pan is already hot be careful not to burn the veggies. I put a quarter of a cup of water in with my vegetables to keep them from sticking or burning. 

3. Scramble and cook eggs in an alternate pan. Chop scrambled eggs and set aside. 
4. Once rice is complete combine rice, chicken and scrambled eggs into the pan with vegetables. 

5. Stir until thoroughly combined, sprinkle with some red pepper flakes and chow down on this delicious bit of asian clean cuisine. 

P.S. Be on the look out for another post this week ! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

LET'S DO THIS & FrankenFrittata!

I want to start this challenge with a message to all those who are like me four days ago when I began my challenge. All those who looked at the scale for the first time in a long time and thought "WTF.. my scale is broken," reset it and tried again to discover that no, no it is not. Last week I found out that I am the heaviest I have ever been. I sat on the edge of the bed thinking " What happened? I workout pretty consistently, I eat alright." While those are true some of the time, and I strive to make those a reality all the time, the truth is that over the past seven months I have been more stressed and homesick than I ever have been. 

Unfortunately, like many in those times I turn to food and alcohol, and like the good Irish girl I am, a lot of alcohol. It has become easier to numb stress and other issues by going out to restaurants and running up tabs and calorie counts instead of hitting the gym and running it out. While the result of this is often short-term relief, the long-term output of course is a less healthy lifestyle, and for me ridiculous weight gain. 

Social worker and author, Brene Brown in her discussion on success stories writes: "Owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing we'll ever do."This quote dn the pages around it reveal the true importance of "the journey" as we so often are more focused on the before and after photos.What we many times don't see is the journey disguised as the caption above those photos saying " over 6 months Sally lost X amount of weight" or " over 3 months Randy lost X amount of weight." Instead, we strive to jump from our before photo into our brand new after.

What Brown stresses is that we not lose that journey, because Sally, Randy, you and I know that the journey is the most important thing. It is the hardest part, and therefore the part we all wish we could skip over. Wouldn't it be so easy to just go from "before" to "after"? The truth is that is would be easy, and undervalued. Like my weight gain I know some of you out there didn't gain weight just because you like to go out to eat, but because you are trying to cope with stress, fear of the unknown, exhaustion, self-esteem, or whatever it may be. This cleanse might freak you out, and that is totally fine because you are part of one of the supportive uplifting teams in the world, and no one NO ONE can do this alone so embrace them.

Advocare is all about building champions, "building" not "making." One thing we often overlook about champions is their defeat, and I will tell you my friends you will be defeated. You will have a day on this challenge where you think " I could just have one ______" whatever your comfort food or drink is, and you may even have it. The thing that will allow you to join the rank of champions however is that  you show up the next day, because champions are applauded for their successes, but they are built by their defeats. 

This challenge session I ask you to join me in pinpointing exactly why you are starting this. I ask you to dig deep, be vulnerable (I know this will be really hard for some), take away the layers that say " I am doing this to fit into a dress" or " I am doing this to attract men or women." Find a reason that is uniquely, perfectly you, that relies only on your own approval. Write it down, and keep writing every time you have a  win,  every time you walk out of the gym and think " How the hell did I just do 25 renegade rows without falling on my ass?" or "I've made it two days without coffee and no one around me is dead... God Bless Spark." Write it all down. Hold on to that feeling you had this morning as you stepped on that scale, or the feeling you had when you decided to start this challenge. Hold onto that motivation, then make a promise that you will never go back there, because living in those micro-successes feels so much better than a bag of Tostitos and salsa (sorry Tostitos I still love you, but I need some space).

Today I promise I will never look and feel this way again. 

Are you with me champions?


This recipe is based off of the frittata I made during the last cleanse session with a little twist from the Pinterest universe. To make this a true FrankenFrittata you must do the following: 1. Do not read the instructions all the way through 2. Put all ingredients in the pan then realize you were supposed to bake the crust first and try to dump out the egg mixture resulting in everything falling into the same bowl 3. Attempt to salvage it because you just used literally the eggs you had 4. Please do not make a Frankenstein frittata, while still delicious it will be more delicious if you do not follow the above directions ....

Sweet Potato Crusted Frittata 
Inspired by Vitamin Sunshine

1 Large Sweet Potato, shredded
2 Teaspoons Olive Oil 
Salt & Pepper, to taste

8 Eggs
1/2 Sweet Onion 
2 Cups  Fresh Spinach 
1/2 Tomato 
2 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning
1/2 Tablespoon Crushed Red Pepper (optional)
Salt & Pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425º.  Place shredded sweet potato into pie pan and press to create a solid crust. Cover with foil, then bake for 30 minutes (if making Frankenstein Frittata wait until you incorrectly put all ingredients in the frittata pan... see photo below)

2.  Begin mixing your ingredients together. I threw them all in the bowl together and whipped them, but you can always whip the eggs first them add veggies. 

3. Let the sweet potato crust cool slightly, then add egg mixture, recover with foil and baked for another 20 minutes.

4. Lower oven temp to 320º and remove foil. Bake for 10-15 more minutes until eggs are firm throughout.

5. Slice it up and enjoy! 


As always keep running, and dancing and being a champ! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

When Chicken Met Salad

 Last weekend a special guy in my life was craving chicken salad. I was a touch lazy so it didn't happen. However, I was so inspired by his desire for it on the weekend that I decided to make it for my lunches this week. Perhaps to his chagrin ;) 

One of my favorite chicken salad recipes is here in St. Louis at this little boutique grocer called Straub's. While there are many great things to say about their chicken salad, there are a couple of things that make it a difficult menu option for me. One, they put all the fatty, creamy (granted delicious) things in there that if you are trying to stay on a healthy track one should avoid. Two, the price. As much as I absolutely adore Straub's, it is $11/lb of chicken salad, and on my itty bitty non-profit salary that isn't always an option. As a result I started scouring the internet for chicken salad recipes that wouldn't bust the bank, or the button on my jeans ;)

Here is what I found! 

Skinny Chicken Salad
Inspired by Damn Delicious 

1 Pound Cooked Chicken Breast, Shredded
1/2 Red Onion, Diced
2 Stalks of Celery, Chopped
1/2 Cup Granny Smith Apple, Chopped
1/2 Cup Red Grapes, Halved
1/3 Cup Raw Trail Mix (I used the Serenity blend from Aldi)
1/2 Cup Plain Green Yogurt 
1/2 Lemon worth of juice
Sea Salt & Ground Black Pepper

1. Begin by cooking your chicken. ( I used the same method in my previous Lime Chicken recipe last week. You can find that here.) Once the chicken is cooked and cooled, shred into bite sized pieces.

2. While the chicken is cooking, chop up your onion, celery, apple and grapes. Measure out your greek yogurt and trail mix.

    ** Other recipes I found online called for almonds and dried cranberries separately. I used this Aldi trail mix called the Serenity blend. It has dried cranberries, walnuts and almonds in it all raw. It was a great option because I used it here, but also snacked on it throughout the week. **

2. Once everything is ready to go, combine into one bowl and squeeze lemon juice over ingredients.

3. Then stir! Mix until everything is covered with yogurt. 

4. Enjoy! I went with the no bread option this week, but you can certainly pair this with a whole grain bread and make an open sandwich or with crackers.

This upcoming week is going to be a crazy travel week, so I'll be on the go, but that won't stop be from whippin' up a yummy dinner. Check back next week to see what's cookin' ! 

Remember... just keep running! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

TGFMP: Thank God For Meal Planning

This week has been so crazy ! With an increased workload due to staffing changes and a big presentation it was an exhausting week so most nights I came home and crashed. That being said, I was so happy I took the time last week to meal plan and cook some clean, healthy meals so even when I was super busy I was able to stay on track! 

Lime Chicken with Sweet Potato Patties 
Inspired by Budget Bytes & A Pinch of Healthy 

2 Chicken Breasts
2 Limes 
2 Sweet Potatoes
1 Cup Corn 
2 Green Onions, chopped 
Handful of Cilantro, chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Chili Powder 
1 Teaspoon Cumin 
1 Teaspoon Salt 
1 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Large Egg 
2/3 Cup of Cornmeal 

1. Place chicken breasts in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, then squeeze lime juice over breasts. Marinate chicken while assembling sweet potato patties. Minimum 20 minutes.

2. Pierce the skin of sweet potatoes with a fork and place on a microwave safe plate and heat for 10 minutes. Let cool slightly, then scoop out potato and place in bowl. 

3. Add corn, green onions, cilantro and spices to sweet potatoes. Stir mixture and taste. Adjust to spices to personal taste. (I'm a huge fan of spicy food so I upped my chili powder at this point)

4. Once spices are adjusted to personal taste, add cornmeal and egg to bowl. Stir. Cover bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350º.

5. Heat cast iron skillet and heat chicken for 4 minutes per side. Place in oven for 20 minutes to finish cooking. 

6. About half way through cooking the chicken begin heating a pan for your sweet potato patties. Shape sweet potato mixture into patties roughly 2-3 Tablespoons (depending on how large you want them, mine were a touch larger because I'm a sweet potato addict). Lightly spray pan with cooking oil and place sweet potato patties on pan.

7. Heat two minutes on each side then let rest. Remove chicken from the oven when cooked through. Place two patties on a plate and top with chicken breast. Serve with a side salad and enjoy!

This has been a great dinner all week, quick, easy and delicious. 

Even when you feel like you're a hot mess express, just keep running! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Back & Better Than Ever!

    After some crazy transitions from grad school to a new job in St. Louis, the last two months have been a pretty intense whirlwind. I am still settling in, building new relationships and exploring some of the best St. Louis foods & beers which also means my clothes are gettin' tight. So here we are back on the clean eating wagon, and on my way to looking good in my clothing again. For the first edition back from hiatus I wanted to do something simple, filling, fast and mobile, since my job requires I travel a good amount during the weekdays. One of my favorite breakfast foods is roasted veggies, which may not sound like a breakfast food per say, but it is a great way to get in extra vegetables and start your day off with a nutritious kick. 

Hardboiled Eggs with Roasted Breakfast Veggies
Inspired by Lexi's Clean Kitchen 

1 Dozen Eggs 
1/2 Bag of Baby Carrots 
1 Sweet Onion, Chopped
2 Cups Asparagus, Chopped
Olive Oil 
Salt & Pepper 

1. Preheat oven to 400º

2. Place eggs in saucepan and cover with water. Place on heat until water comes to a rolling boil. Turn off heat, cover and let eggs sit for 12 minutes. 

3. While eggs are cooking, clean and chop vegetables. Place in a bowl, season with salt and pepper then sprinkle with olive oil. Stir until all vegetables have an even coat of olive oil. 

4. Spread vegetables in a single layer on a baking sheet, then place in the oven for 40 minutes. Check and flip after 20 minutes to ensure even coloring. 

5. After your egg timer goes off, place eggs in an ice bath to cease cooking and ensure a perfect creamy yellow center of your hardboiled eggs. No black rings !

6. Peel eggs, slice in half and serve on a bed of your roasted veggies.  

In the morning just heat vegetables for 1 minute in the microwave, peel an egg or two and enjoy ! 

Until next time...